Treason at Long Beach, Draft 6

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Treason  is occurring at Long Beach California.  This is treason not in the legal sense , where it takes two witnesses during a war, but in the old  fashion sense "of doing real harm to our country."  It runs from the White House thru the US Department of Commerce, thru the United States Navy and the  US Housing Authority to the City Government of Long Beach California. This act of treason is the result of our present system of campaign financing. What ever the public reasons that these government bodies give for leasing the former Long Beach Navel Base to the Chinese Communist Government, the net effect will be to create a malignant cancer that will pour deadly poisons into our country. The facts are all on the internet. Long Beach is just the tip of an iceberg.  Chinese Communist influence and accomplishments are spread throughout our country.  This is Treason!

Fact 14. The Chinese Communist Connection with the Riady Lippo Group:
The Worthen Bank of Little Rock (now Boatmans Bank of Little Rock) was purchased in 1984 by Mochtar Riady, the head of an Indonesian Corporation called the Lippo Group.   Riady then gained control of the Hong Kong Chinese Bank (HKCB).  In mid Nov 1992, the China Resources Holding Company (a company owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Peoples Liberation Army) which had held 15% of the HKCB, bought 35% more of HKCB stock.  It is alleged that the China Resources Holding Company  is a front for Chinese Communist Military Intelligence.  This was reported in the US Veteran Dispatch and The London Sunday Times. In 1992, the Worthen Bank made a loan of $3 million plus to Clinton's cash strapped campaign. (I haven't been able to find out wheither this loan was ever repayed.) The Lippo Group has many "business" partnerships with Communist China and does billions of dollars each year with China and Viet Nam. The homepage of the Lippo Group lists the Bankers Trust Company (USA) and Stephens Inc (USA) along with several Japanese Banks as joint venture partners.
Riady's main bank in the United States is the Bank Central Asia where he does business in New York and Los Angeles.  Lippo bought Southern California's Bank of Trade and renamed it the Lippobank. The Hong Kong Chinese Bank of PLA fame was into partnership with First Union Bank of North Carolina. (Note: Disney Productions recently learned that you do business with China "China's Way" or you don't do business with China.
To their credit, Disney canceled the proposed Theme Park in China and went ahead with its film on Tibet.)

Fact 15.  What the Lippo Group Got for Itself and Indonesia.  Moctar Riady is one of the principle financial advisors to the Suharto family which controls Indonesia. Clinton appointed Maria Luisa Haley as President of the taxpayer financed Import-Export Bank.  Haley is the ex-wife of John Haley co-defendent of former Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker in a case involving a cable TV franchaise in Jakarta, Indonesia.  Jim Giroir, former head of Rose Law firm, is reputed to have set this deal set up.
James Riady (Moctar's son) has received a $900 million letter of credit from the Import-Export Bank for a Lippo project.  It is unclear wheither this is for the Chinese Power Plant or there is another billion dollar project in the works that James is discussing with the Import-Export Bank.(Power plant in Northern China by Lippo.)  The named construction firm is Entergy Group out of Little Rock.
Giroir still represents Lippo and has brokered ventures between Tyson Foods to improve the sale of Tyson Chickens in the far east.  The Clinton Administration is providing $21million to build a huge airport Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport in unpopulated Northern Arkansas for Tyson/Lippo to ship chickens and Walmart to import Communist Chinese Goods.  Tyson Foods and Walmart have been  big contributers to the DNC and Clinton.
Indonesia invaded and conquered East Timor, an independent island nation with  a democratic government that was never a part of Indonesia.  Over 200,000 people were killed.  In February of 1994, US Trade Representative Mickey Kantor suspended a review of Indonesian human rights violations in East Timor.  This allowed Indonesia to keep its trade privileges with the US ~ $ 600 million a year. Clinton has also approved sales of F-16 fighters to Indonesia.

Fact 16.. The Lippo Group and Campaign Contributions: People associated with the Riady Lippo Group  poured money like water into the Clinton Campaign.  (A $250,000 "retainer" from Lippo was given to Web Hubbell after he resigned his position as US Assistant Attorney General.)  The DNC has announced it will return over $3 million in questionable contributions - most of it associated with the Lippo Group.  That is, of course, when it raises the money to do it.  John Huang has been one of the principle money funnels for the Lippo Group.

Fact 17.  John Huang: The center of interest in this campaign finance/spy scandal is John Huang. Huang was born in mainland China. In 1984, John Huang was an employee of the Hong Kong Chinese Bank and later did a stint at the Worthen Bank of Little Rock. He once headed the "Lippo Group, West Coast" headquarters.  He is another "long time friend" of Bill and Hilary Clinton and has provided major financial support for Clinton in both presidential campaigns. Huang was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade in July 1994 during Ron Brown's tenure.  He was "exempted" from a FBI security investigation (required by law for all foreign born nationals in that position) and granted a "Top Secret Security Clearance" without  an investigation.. He was allowed to keep that  "Top Secret Security Clearance" for a year after he left the commerce dept. ???  Phone records show he was in constant contact with the Riady Lippo Group during his  time at the commerce dept office.  Records also show that he was a frequent visitor to the White House where he was a key advisor to Clinton on matters related to Indonesia and influenced Clinton on matters relating to China and Viet Nam.  Huang worked closely with a man called Ira Magaziner who has been cited as the principle architect of Clinton's ProChina Policy. (The American Spectator Online) Huang is alleged to be under intense investigation by the FBI and has taken the Fifth.   CNN/All Politics

Fact 18.  John Huang's California Political Contributions: Garry South, Chief of Staff for California's Lt. Governor Gray Davis is reported to have said "I doubt that you'll find a major Democratic figure in California who doesn't have a contribution from John Huang."In 1988, Huang gave Gray Davis $5000 and Lippo Bank owner Jame Riady (son of Moctar) spent $5,099 hosting a Davis fund raiser.  Elected California officials who are known to have received money from Huang are: Senator Diane Finestein $4,000, Lt. Governor Gray Davis $16,750, Kathleen Brown $18,500, David Roberti 13,300, former Sectretary of State March Fong Eu $4000, former Lt. Governor Leo McCarthy. $4,000, State Treasurer Matt Fong $10,000 and the Democratic Party State Central Committee $10,000.

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